• 教师姓名:饶光明
  • 所属院系:长江上游经济研究中心
  • 个人简介: 饶光明,男,经济学教授,博士,硕士生导师,教育部人文社科重点研究基地"长江上游经济研究中心"研究员,重庆市人大常委会立法咨询专家,重庆市学术技术带头人。历任重庆工商大学学报编辑部副主任、《西部论坛》杂志常务副主编、...

本课程是国际经济与贸易及其他相关专业的一门专业选修课程。 本课程采用中英文双语教学,展示给学生的除了WTO历史沿革和规则框架外, 还对WTO规则及其在货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权贸易领域的实际应用做了系统分析介绍以及WTO与气候变化等最新议题的介绍。同时,本课程还涉及许多WTO规则运用于国际贸易实务的知识和案例,包括最惠国待遇、国民待遇和透明度等原则在国际货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权贸易中的实际运用;组织机制、争端解决机制、加入退出机制和贸易政策审查机制等WTO运行机制。学生通过本课程的学习: 1. 可以掌握WTO基本知识和基本理论; 2. 养成在日益复杂的国际贸易环境中运用WTO规则分析问题、解决问题的基本能力和素质; 3. 可以提升分析解决贸易纠纷的洞察力和团结协作、成果共享的个性品质; 4. 通过鼓励对尚待解决的相关问题的深入探讨的探究式学习,培育探求未知、勇于创新的进取精神。 This course is an optional course supplied for those students major in professions of international trade and economics. By giving lectures in both English and Chinese, it will provide students with an overview of the WTO and its history, the framework of the WTO rules, and the rules and regulations related with trade in goods and services as well as its relative property protection. Furthermore, working knowledge of this course include principles of most-favor nation treatment, national treatment, transparency, and their use on trade in goods and services, and on trade related intellectual property. The running mechanism of the WTO, including the WTO organizational structure, the trade dispute settlement, member’s trade policy review, conditions and procedures on accession and withdraw of the WTO. Students will have acquired a solid foundation in the WTO theory and will develop skills of case-study and problem-solving through practice training on basic insight and innovative ability of trade dispute analysis and problem-solving, cooperation-working and achievement-sharing in this increasingly complex international trade environment. WTO videos at https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/webcas_e/webcas_grid_e.htm?video_type=latest This course of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an optional course supplied for those students major in professions of international trade and economics. By giving lectures in both English and Chinese, it will provide students with an overview of the WTO and its history, the framework of the WTO rules, and the rules and regulations related with trade in goods and services as well as its relative property protection. Furthermore, working knowledge of this course include principles of most-favor nation treatment, national treatment, transparency, and their use on trade in goods and services, and on trade related intellectual property. The running mechanism of the WTO, including the WTO organizational structure, the trade dispute settlement, member’s trade policy review, conditions and procedures on accession and withdraw of the WTO. Students will have acquired a solid foundation in the WTO theory and will develop skills of case-study and problem-solving through practice training on basic insight and innovative ability of trade dispute analysis and problem-solving, cooperation-working and achievement-sharing in this increasingly complex international trade environment. 本课程是国家级中英双语教学示范课程,是国际经济与贸易及其他相关专业的一门专业选修课程。 本课程采用中英文双语教学,运用“教授主讲+学生辩论”的教学范式实现课堂翻转式教学,展示给学生的除了WTO历史沿革和规则框架外, 还对WTO规则及其在货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权贸易领域的实际应用做了系统分析介绍以及WTO与气候变化等最新议题的介绍。同时,本课程涉及许多WTO规则运用于国际贸易实务的知识和案例以及谈判辩论,包括最惠国待遇、国民待遇和透明度等原则在国际货物贸易、服务贸易和知识产权贸易中的实际运用;组织机制、争端解决机制、加入退出机制和贸易政策审查机制等WTO运行机制。 学生通过本课程的学习: 1. 可以掌握WTO基本知识和基本理论; 2. 养成在日益复杂的国际贸易环境中运用WTO规则分析问题、解决问题的基本能力和素质; 3. 可以提升分析解决贸易纠纷的洞察力和团结协作、成果共享的个性品质; 4. 通过鼓励对尚待解决的相关问题的深入探讨的探究式学习,培育探求未知、勇于创新的进取精神。

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